Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Inspiration comes in different shapes

As I was walking back up the mountain with Basti in the stroller I encountered an interesting person. She was walking on the opposite side of the street. A briefcase in hand. Her clothes were stained with sweat and dirt. The top of her head was bald. Her back was hunched, and her pants were too short for her long skinny legs. She looked at me for a moment. Her face was was worn with time and sadness. I presumed she was returning to the asylum that we have next door, and her sadness made me want to give her some happiness, some light, some sunshine. So I came back home. Gave basti a pretzel to eat as I sketched this out. Yes you probably think wow....thats pretty ugly. Who would want to make that? Who would think thats pretty? Well the answer is me. I believe there is beauty in everything, especially a woman who is not a super model.

While sketching her, I decided to name her Lucille and the sunshine is a dandelion that her fictional self believes in an actual piece of sunshine that she has stashed away in her shirt pocket.

It brings her happiness. It makes her feel special, and I feel that at least in some parallel universe her sadness is diminished by this simple sketch and future embroidered wall hanging.

So thank you Lucille for your inspiration.

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