Saturday, January 16, 2010

The history of Valentines day

I was reading on the history of Valentines day and it seems the connection between the Saints and romance was all a misunderstanding.  Geoffrey Chaucer wrote a romantic phrase containing the word valentine in his Parlement of Foules (1382)
"For this was on seynt Volantynys day
Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make."
However, it was for the kings marriage to his young bride in May, not in February.However, the connection remained and that is where we get this holiday. In the Victorian era it was a day when young lovers would send love notes to each other. Some, the majority, were sent anonymously and were actually quite racy for the times. I love how people were so sexually charged during that era and since it was not allowed to express it you find it in everything and everywhere, hidden in plain sight, thus creating a rather erotic era. Ironic....

So as I sit here listening to my favorite band, Dead Can Dance, I ponder on love, sentiments, lust, excitement, energy. It is both odd and common how every thing is connected. Love, hate, life, death, beginning, end, past, future, man, woman, evil, good, chaos, stillness. Each would not exist without the other.

For the past few days I have been thinking about energy. It has been a topic that has intrigued me since I took one of the best classes ever. It was called Occult Literature. The premise of the class was to study in depth the gothic genre, but it went much deeper than that. We found ourselves studying quantum physics and the properties of light, Carl Jung, and death. I see existence different because of that class, and I thank Dr. Moss.

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