Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My mandala of truth

Living in Germany has made me question existance, the order of events, chaos, and order. I felt as if I was lacking the ability to encounter the truth that lies within me. After reading and studying ancient beliefs, rituals, psychoanalysis, quantum physics, metaphysics, religion, I feel that now I can look within myself and expose my self. 
It was only through Jude Hill's Cloth to Cloth class that I have found a meditative way to create the canvas upon which I can surrender myself and release the energy. As the tibetan Mandala I am creating four gates with the elements, and in the middle of the circle the truth lies. I used the elephant to represent myself. 
Within each element the elephant is different. In earth the shadow of my true self hides its energy. It is coated by the leaves. it is soothed my the moist earth.
In the water the shadow floats and surrenders its sight so that it may feel the currents.
In the fire it allows to be consumed by the aggressive flames that lick its body clean. It becomes one with the anger and perverseness.
In the air it sees all down below and high above. The shadow perceives how small it actually is, and how it is part of all. 
It is only when all are connected that the truth is clear and perceivable. The shadows join to become one and all. The uniqueness is accepted. The unity with all is accomplished. 
Serenity is eternal.

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