Sunday, May 23, 2010

the journey from within

I have traveled far
I have seen the end of the universe and more.
I have seen the bleached white of the monstrous edge
and as I traveled I lost myself, she said
On the winding trails my soul got caught up on a branch
a branch with vines and thornes
and it has pierced my soul

from the hole my nectar has seeped out
drop by drop
and so now my ragged body must travel more
I must seek my tarnished self and mend it
I must piece myself back

I will no longer be the same.
I may smell foul
I may feel half empty, she said

but at least I will have myself back
I will be able to remember what it was like to feel fondness and joy
I will still have within me the sweet nectar
and now it will be more precious
and now it will be more sweet.


Part of the chant for my healing cloth

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