I have been thinking about how artist create, and I have always known that I create on an impulse. I feel my neurons firing off signals to my hands and I run to grab a piece of paper, pen, cloth, paint brush, whatever I find. I let myself create whatever it is that i need to create, and usually I do not think about the process. If I do stop and think it becomes impossible to continue. I recall a lecture that I watched about creativity and the lecturer quoted a famous female poet, whose name evades me at the moment, however she said that creativity was like a flying muse, beast, entity that would swoosh by her and if she did not grab on to that pencil on time the creativity would leave her and land on another. There were times that this poet would grab the creative beast by the tale right as it was about to leave her, and the poem would come out backwards. That is how I feel whenever I create, as if I am open for the possibility and therefore it falls upon me. This thought fell upon me while I was waiting for my computer to find my wireless router. I imagined an energetic hook reaching out into the sea of waves and frequencies trying to latch on.
This led me to think about string theory....yes I know I am odd, a nerd, I love it. And I had the urge to create a flat a loose interpretation of existence, which for me are divided basically in three things. All things come in threes.
The infinite
The logical
The abstract.
I have started on the logical.
That to me seems to be surrounded by confusion. I recall many times being confused by the logical answer in physics or trigonometry.
And as I believe all things were once in chaos, so is my pile of fabric.
Just a side note, but i love how spirals are everywhere. The spiral, is a symbol I have identified since High school. I find the idea of it being both two dimensional and three dimensional at the same time to be so beautifully complex. How a symbol can describe the presence of past, present and future in one moment. How the history creates the present moment, which will impact the future....Not only does it express time, but also thoughts, behavior, history, existence, Infinite possbilities...