Sunday, July 25, 2010

The laws of Time freezing according to Professor Rex Duchenne

It is finally trapped within time itself. This was only possible with the laws of time freezing estblished by Professor Rex Duchenne. A brilliant man that discovered that he could in fact freeze time when electricity was applied to his neck, scalp and ear lobe skin. However, time would only freeze around him. Others outside of these sphere were still able to move and live through time. Prof. Duchenne, while in a time freeze, observed that time bubbles would create andhe was able to see the different dimensions that create time, space, and all existance. He also observed as the sky and all things around him would begin to fragment if time were frozen quickly without it noticing. Other times, when Prof. Duchenne would freeze time, time itself would notice and escape leaving himself within a coma like state.

Professor Rex Duchenne during one of his famous time freezing experiements.

Professor Duchenne, explained that with the ability of freezing time, he was actually able to perceive the future, emotions, and pig latin in colors. In his journal the professor himself stated that "time freezing is a means which brings exhiliration and joy that I have never experienced. I have witnessed past ahd future collide. A whole new life can be lived within a time freeze, and I wish nothing more than to live  forever within this state of Nirvana. I have found my heaven." 

On November 24, 1905, Professor Duchenne perfomed what would be his last time freeze while in front of the college of Quantum and Metaphysics. As the electriciy was applied to his neck, scalp, and ear lobe skin a young scienticst sneezed. Everyone starred as the beloved professor lit up with electricity and within seconds completely vanished. It is now thought that time became aware at the precise moment it was being freezed, and because the freezing process was done very quickls the professor was entrapped within one of the time bubbles.  

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