Monday, September 26, 2011

The wonders of his imagination.

Everyday I am amazed by how wonderfully imaginative my son is. One day there is a dragon living in the bell tower of the church, or a small brown monster that pulls his blanket, or the police are going to come to give the dog a ticket for barking.

Today his game was to run around in a green laundry basket and waiting for me to tap his nose and make a beeping noise. He was entertained for at least half an hour. I love this age. Children are so beautiful and happy. They are the best example of pure happiness.


  1. What a lovely photo and commentary. Thanks for sharing this sweet moment in your son's life.

  2. how sweet he is. we can learn so much from children. they know how to make their own happiness from the inside of their being.

  3. So precious. Love seeing this slice of your life.

  4. Thank you. It is a wonderful time to be a stay at home mom. It would be horrible to miss these moments.
